On this page you’ll find all items that are part of the The Sims 3 August 2011 Store Updates.
Click on the download button to start downloading the compressed .RAR file containing all Store Updates items from this month. You can open the downloaded .RAR file using WinRAR (download WinRAR HERE). Select all the files in the .RAR file and drag and drop them to folder on your computer. After that just double-click the .Sims3Pack file you want to install, and it’ll automatically open your The Sims 3 Launcher and install the item. If you want to install a lot of .Sims3Pack items at once, copy them all to (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads , manually open the The Sims 3 Launcher and navigate to the “Downloads” tab. Finally select all the items that you want to install and click on “Install”. It will then install all the .Sims3Pack items at once.
Items in this month’s Store Updates
Item name: backtoschool (Back to School)
Description: You wouldn’t send a plumber out into the world without a wrench, nor should you send a school bound Sim out into the world without the perfect tools to learn! This pack rounds off your Sims study room with everything they could ever need!
Item name: luxresortattireset (Luxury Resort Attire)
Description: Get all the latest fashions for this world and any other world you might eventually encounter in this exclusive set! Show your Sim a taste of the finer things in life!
Item name: luxspaloungeset (Luxe Lounge Spa)
Description: Lounge away your cares with a luxury set built to sweep you right off your feet! Escape to a better place with objects that bring the spa home to you.